Thursday, April 21, 2011

Unrest In Nigeria Continues With Fears Of Civil War Being Voiced

Presidential Rival Challenging Nigerian Election Results -- Voice of America

The second-place finisher in Nigeria's presidential election is challenging results that he says were rigged by electoral commission computers. There has been violence in northern states following a vote that most international observers believe was largely free and fair.

Former military ruler Muhammadu Buhari is calling on his supporters to remain calm as his party prepares to challenge the re-election of President Goodluck Jonathan.

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More News On The Unrest In Nigeria

Nigeria leader says unrest recalls civil war build-up -- Yahoo News/AFP
Nigeria leader says polls to continue despite riots -- Reuters
Violence postpones gubernatorial elections in 2 Nigeria states -- CNN
Nigeria Violence Won’t Halt Final Election Round, President Jonathan Says -- Bloomberg
Nigerian President Calls Out More Security Forces -- Voice of America
Nigeria leader says unrest echoes civil war era -- AFP
Nigeria unrest 'recalls lead-up to 1967 Biafra war' -- BBC
Nigeria's president orders an end to electoral violence -- BBC
Nigeria elections: Tension ahead of state polls -- BBC
Over 200 killed in Nigerian post-election riots -- Xinhuanet
The worry of Nigeria's election results -- The Economist
Vote Results Tap Nigeria's Tensions -- Wall Street Journal

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