Friday, April 22, 2011

More Reporting From The War Torn Libyan City Of Misrata

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
Tripoli Street: Seen for the first time since the trouble began, the scale of the damage across the city can be seen from a vantage point formerly occupied by snipers.

Gaddafi Snipers Driven From Roofs Of Embattled City Of Misrata Amid Most Fierce Scenes Of Urban Warfare Since The War Began

* U.S. Senator John McCain speaks to rebel leaders in secret trip to Benghazi
* Coalition troops say Gaddafi forces have been reduced by up to 40 per cent

Gaddafi snipers have been driven from the roofs of tall buildings in the embattled Libyan city of Misrata.

In some of the fiercest scenes of urban warfare since trouble in the country began, rebels have started gaining tactical advantages in the only major western city held by the opposition movement.

Colonel Gaddafi's regime also ramped up its rhetoric against Nato warning that 'it will be hell' for the alliance if ground troops were deployed.

David Cameron said that western nations aren't moving toward such an option. The U.S. has approved the use of armed Predator drones that will allow for low-level precision attacks, suitable for urban areas like Misrata where Nato air power has been unable to protect opposition forces.

Read more ....

My Comment: The above picture gives an indication on the vantage point that Gaddafi's snipers had, and the destruction that they caused.

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