Friday, April 22, 2011

UN To Release War Crimes Report On The Sri Lankan Civil War

A Tamil woman with one of her children in May 2009, at the end of the civil war. The UN says both Sri Lankan troops and Tamil Tiger rebels committed war crimes during the 26-year conflict. Photograph: Reuters

U.N.: Sri Lanka’s Crushing Of Tamil Tigers May Have Killed 40,000 Civilians -- Washington Post

UNITED NATIONS — Sri Lanka’s decisive 2008-09 military offensive against the country’s separatist Tamil Tigers may have resulted in the deaths of as many as 40,000 civilians, most of them victims of indiscriminate shelling by Sri Lankan forces, according to a U.N. panel established by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

The panel recommended that Ban set up an “independent international mechanism” to carry out a more thorough probe into “credible” allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity by the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of the Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which held more than 300,000 civilians “hostage” to enforce a “strategic human buffer between themselves and the advancing Sri Lankan army.”

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More News On The UN Report On The Sri Lankan Civil War

UN to Release War Crimes Report Despite Sri Lankan Warning -- Voice of America
Sri Lanka warns UN on war-crimes report -- Al Jazeera
Sri Lanka warns against public release of UN panel report on alleged war crimes -- Canadian Press/AP
UN heads for rights confrontation with Sri Lanka -- AFP
Sri Lanka warns UN not to release war crimes report -- The Guardian
Sri Lanka: Releasing UN Report Would Do 'Irrevocable Damage' -- Voice of America
U.N. war crimes panel overstepped its mandate: Sri Lanka -- Reuters

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