Thursday, April 21, 2011

Will France Directly Intervene With Soldiers On The Ground To End The Libyan Civil War?

Why France Will Finish Off Gaddafi -- Gary Anderson, Small Wars Journal

Let’s make something clear, the civil war in Libya will not end in a stalemate. The French will likely intervene with ground forces and topple the Gaddafi regime, and they will probably do it within a month. It is quite possible that they will do so with Italian help. President Obama has fervently wished for America to be just one of the boys; in the end, this may be a case of wishing for something so much that you get it. America has abrogated the role of global marshal that it assumed after World War II. Every posse needs a Marshal to lead it. The French will likely pick up the tin star they found lying in the street of the global village.

Read more ....

My Comment:
Will the French jump in and fully commit to the overthrow of Gaddafi .... hmmmmm .... with the war progressing slowly and the humanitarian crisis worsening daily .... the temptation to pour in a few thousand French marines and Legionnaires is tempting. Will the French do it .... I give this a better than 50-50 chance, and it will be done in the next month or two.

The comments section is also another interesting read.

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