Monday, May 23, 2011

Aftermath Of The Taliban's Attack On A Major Pakistani Military Base

18 Hour Raid At Karachi Naval Base Heaps Humiliation On Pakistan -- The Telegraph

Armed militants stormed a naval base in Karachi, keeping Pakistani forces at bay for 18 hours, heaping further embarrassment on the country's powerful military establishment yesterday (MON).

Commandos managed to regain control of the navy facility but not before the extremists, armed with grenades and automatic weapons, killed 12 security officers and destroyed two planes.

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the raid, which they said was in revenge for the death of Osama bin Laden earlier this month.

This ease with which a handful of attackers were able to penetrate a military base will increase pressure on the country's military leadership, already embarrassed by a US special forces operation to kill the al-Qaeda leader on its soil.

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More News On The Taliban Attack Of A Major Pakistani Naval Base

Pakistan humiliated by Bin Laden revenge attack
-- The Independent
Taliban raid: After another blow to its image, Pakistan's military regains control of base -- Christian Science Monitor
4 terrorists, 10 personnel killed in attack on Mehran base: Rehman Malik -- Associated Press Of Pakistan
How the Pakistan air base strike happened -- Financial Times
Pakistan retakes naval base after attack -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Pakistani commandos regain control of Karachi military base -- The Guardian
Before Attack, Pakistan’s Navy Boasted of Role in Fight Against Taliban -- New York Times
Naval base attack raises questions over safety of Pak nukes -- Times of India
Naval base attack: Big blow to Pakistan's snooping capabilities -- Times of India

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