Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- May 24, 2011

Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images

The Antisocial Network. Osama Bin Laden May Be Dead, But His Legion Of Online Jihadis Is More Determined Than Ever. -- evan F. Kohlman, Foreign Policy

Late on the evening of May 1, al Qaeda's online social networking forums were shaken awake as would-be jihadists from around the globe logged in to discover if reports of the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a U.S. military raid deep inside Pakistan were true. As rumors of the terrorist mastermind's demise began to spread, stunned forum participants insisted that the White House announcement was part of a new scheme devised by the CIA to trick and demoralize bin Laden's diehard supporters. Ill-tempered forum administrators began threatening to permanently ban anyone who even dared to express sorrow based on "unverified crusader rumors" of bin Laden's demise. Dozens of message threads on the death of bin Laden have since been censored by administrators; many others were simply deleted.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Obama and the Arab Spring -- George Friedman, Real Clear World/Stratfor

In Europe, Rifts Widen Over Greece -- Landon Thomas Jr., New York Times

A long goodbye, and a test for Mr. Obama, from Yemen’s president -- Washington Post editorial

Iran's Bid for Africa's Uranium -- Ilan Berman, Real Clear World

Welcome Hamas's conciliation with Fatah -- Musa Abumarzuq, the Guardian

It's All Your Money: Foreign Aid to Muslim/Arab nations -- William LaJeunesse, FOX News

Solid Americas strategy would reap big rewards for Canada -- Campbell Clark, Globe And Mail

Family visits at Gitmo deserve consideration -- Washington Post editorial

Fed Chairman's grand scheme, QE2, has failed miserably. -- Bill Zwerger, American Thinker

France: Let us jail DSK. 'Can' go home again -- Amber Sutherland and Bob Fredericks, New York Post

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