Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sec. Of Defense Gates Gives A Heads-Up On Impending Defense Cuts

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates speaks with students at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., May 19, 2011. DOD photo by Cherie Cullen

Budget Cuts Force Pentagon To Redefine Priorities: What Can't We Afford To Cut? -- Christian Science Monitor

After years of immunity from budget cuts, the Pentagon must identify $400 billion in cuts over the next 12 years, prompting a comprehensive 'strategic review' to define military priorities.

Long immune from cost-cutting measures as it fights two tough wars, the US military has now come under increasing pressure to rein in its budget.

This week, Defense Secretary Robert Gates offered some insights into how, precisely, the Pentagon will begin doing this.

Read more ....

More News On U.S. Defense Budget Cuts

Gates outlines budget-cutting parameters -- UPI
Tight budgets put all US defense programs on table -- Reuters
Gates Says Cuts Would Curb Military Capacity -- Wall Street Journal
Gates: Nothing Is 'Off the Table' in Strategic Defense Review -- National Defense
Defense Budget Review May Question Two-War Strategy, Secretary Gates Says -- Bloomberg
Gates: Defense Cuts May Reduce 2-War Capability -- Newsmax
Gates on DoD Cost-savings Review: ‘People Need to Make Conscious Choices’ about Implications -- ExecutiveGov
Gates: Budget Reductions a Strategic, Not Math Problem -- Executive Gov
Secretary Urges Careful Thought in Spending Reductions -- U.S. Department of Defense
What must the U.S. give up? -- DoD Buzz
How - and where - to cut defense -- Seattle PI/Politico

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