Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Was Wikileaks The Reason Why President Obama Ordered The Attack On Osama Bin Laden?

Compound: Reports are suggesting that the attack on Bin Laden and his lair was triggered by the latest revelations on the WikiLeaks website

Did latest WikiLeaks Revelations Force U.S. To Take Out Bin Laden? -- The Daily Mail

WikiLeaks may have triggered the killing of Osama Bin Laden, it was suggested last night.
For although the CIA has thought since September that he was in hiding in Abbottabad, special forces stormed his fortress only days after the website published new secret documents.
These made reference to named ‘couriers’ carrying Bin Laden’s message to his followers, and also to Abbottabad as a possible Al Qaeda bolthole.

America has already revealed that it was led to Bin Laden by tracking a man identified as his key courier.

Read more ....

Update #1: WikiLeaks: Bin Laden's courier 'trained 9/11 hijack team' -- The Telegraph
Update #2: Did Wikileaks Force The Attack On Osama 18 Months Before The Election? -- Thomas Lifson, American Thinker

My Comment: Some good questions are being raised now .... like .... why was the decision to attack the compound made now .... but not last year when U.S. intelligence first learned of the importance of this compound and its links to Bin Laden. I am sure that there must be a valid intelligence/operational reason .... so (I say) why not make it public. But something tells me that the main stream media are not going to press this question, and the White House is not going to volunteer an answer.

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