Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Al Qaeda Remains Biggest Global Threat: Interpol

Interpol Says Al Qaeda Remains Biggest Global Threat -- New York Times/Reuters

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Al Qaeda and groups linked to it remain the world's biggest security threat despite the killing of Osama bin Laden, the head of Interpol said on Tuesday.

Airlines and other forms of public transport are most at risk, with terrorists using fraudulent passports to travel undetected an area of particular concern, Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble told reporters on the sidelines of an aviation meeting in Singapore.

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My Comment: No mention of radical Islam or Islamic fundamentalism. I have said this at least a thousand times .... how can you fight an enemy when you refuse to even define them.

1 comment:

S O said...

They are more accurate in their description of the threat than you.

Btw, I would rate other forms of organised violent crime higher than Interpol seems to do.