Thursday, June 9, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- June 9, 2011

The Horror Of A Post-Saleh Yemen -- Jonathan Ruhe, National Interest

Since last Friday’s attack on the presidential palace in Sanaa, conflicting reports have emerged about the extent of President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s injuries and his ability to resume office. Questions abound regarding the timeframe for any return and whether Saudi Arabia (where Saleh is recuperating from surgery) or the rapid pace of events on the ground in Yemen would make this impossible.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Yemen Without Saleh. Chaos? It doesn't have to be. -- Charles Schmitz, Foreign Policy
With Saleh in Limbo, Yemen Protesters and Military Play a High-Stakes Power Game -- Time
Yemen: Into the unknown -- The Economist
Preventing chaos in Yemen -- Washington Post editorial

NATO Hopes to Pass the Buck in Libya, But May Not Be Able to Hand Off Responsibility -- Tony Karon, Time
The Post-Gaddafi Boom: In Libya, Foreign Bankers See a Coming Bonanza -- Time

Has Syria's peaceful uprising turned into an insurrection? -- Nicholas Blanford, Christian Science Monitor
Turkey's shift on Syria gives West room to get tougher on Assad -- David Schenker, Christian Science Monitor
The Syrian uprising: The balance of power is shifting -- The Economist
What About Dara’a? -- Leon Wieseltier, New Republic
Can the Kurds Tip the Scales in Syria? -- Hugh Macleod & Annasofie Flamand, Real Clear World/Global Post
Assad has run out of friends, and out of time -- Rime Allaf, The Telegraph

Questions Grow Over Afghanistan's Post-U.S. Future -- Radio Free Europe
Army Seeks Social Media Gurus to Save Afghan War -- Danger Room
Testing the Afghan exit ramps -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Low hopes for Afghanistan -- Dana Milbank, Washington Post
What We’re Buying in Afghanistan -- Amy Davidson, New Yorker
How to exit Afghanistan without creating wider conflict -- Washington Post editorial
Progress in Afghanistan called hard but not ‘hopeless’ -- William Branigin, Washington Post
Afghans show limits of U.S. power -- Ben Barber, Kansas City/McClatchy Newspapers

One month from independence, a state within a state within a state in South Sudan -- Joshua Keating, Foreign Policy

Europe Is Warning Us -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO

United Nations Report Declares Internet Access a Human Right -- Jenny Wilson, Techland

2012 presidential election: Why shifting demographics make Barack Obama the stronger candidate -- Tim Stanley, The Telegraph

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