Friday, June 17, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- June 17, 2011

Dr. al-Zawahiri, I Presume: The Hunt Begins for al-Qaeda's New Boss -- Tim McGirk, Time

So what took al-Qaeda so long to replace Osama bin Laden? It's been over six weeks since a U.S. Navy SEAL team killed the terrorist chief, and only now has al-Qaeda decided on his successor — Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, an acerbic Egyptian physician who was bin Laden's longtime deputy.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

The administration’s non-policy for Syria -- Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post

Turkey mulls buffer zone on Syrian border -- Ty McCormick, Foreign Policy

What Would War with Iran Look Like? -- Jeffrey White, American Interest

Untangling the U.S.-Pakistan Alliance -- John R. Schmidt, The National Interest

The US-China Military Ties Reality -- Richard Weitz, The Diplomat

Strategic Patience Is Strategic Blunder -- Joel Wit & Jenny Town, Foreign Policy

In Cuba, Castro's communist hard-liners dash hopes of reform -- John Hughes, Christian Science Monitor

Does Foreign Policy Matter?
-- Roger Cohen, New York Times

Watching a modern Greek tragedy
-- Michael Schuman, Time

Mexico's challenge: Aversion to competition, lack of respect for the law -- L.A. Times editorial

Who Is James Johnson? -- David Brooks, New York Times

The Dalai Lama, Marxist? -- Carlin Romano, Wall Street Journal

Obama can’t control the world. Maybe he shouldn’t try.
-- Kelly McParland, National Post

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