Thursday, June 9, 2011

Is There A 20-Year Gap In Military Tech Between China And The U.S.?

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Liang Guanglie shake hands before their meeting at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore during the Shangri-La Dialogue security summit, June 3, 2011. DOD photo by Cherie Cullen

PLA 20 Years Behind U.S. Military: Chinese DM -- Defense News

SINGAPORE - There is a 20-year gap between China and the U.S. military in equipment, weapons and systems, Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Liang Guanglie told the 10th Shangri-La Dialogue on June 5 in Singapore.

"I would call the gap big," he said. Liang acknowledged that China's military modernization has improved, but the "main battle equipment of our services ... is mainly second-generation weapons." China does not have a large arsenal of third-generation weapons, systems or platforms. "For example, the army is still being motorized, not mechanized," he said.

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Update: China’s Military Tech 20 Years Behind U.S.’ -- Defense Tech

My Comment:
Defense Tech sums it up best on where the Chinese are, and where they are going .....

Still, anyone can see the PLA is advancing at a decent clip and as China’s economy grows and its spy services steal more secrets, it may advance even quicker than it has over the past few decades (in my humble non-China expert opinion).

And while China’s miliary hardware may still lag behind the U.S.’, its cyber capabilities, considered by most to be critical to waging 21st Century warfare may be on par with or ahead of the U.S.’

Indeed .... and we know who the Chinese are targeting.

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