Saturday, June 25, 2011

Is Washington Collecting Your Cell-Phone Data?

New Patriot Act Controversy: Is Washington Collecting Your Cell-Phone Data? -- Time

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee is weighing fresh concerns about the sweeping nature of domestic spying using one controversial section of the Patriot Act. This particular part of that law is notable because it has been divisive for years — and because during those years President Obama has quietly moved from being a Senator skeptical of the provisions to being an enthusiastic spy chief whose Administration embraces them.

Last Tuesday the committee met to consider the worries of some members, mostly Democrats, who say the Justice Department has drafted a breathtakingly broad interpretation of Section 215 of the Patriot Act.

Read more ....

My Comment: It's a good way for the government to track people .... but is this the society that we want?

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