Friday, June 24, 2011

Petraeus Getting Ready For The CIA's Top Job

Gen. David Petraeus speaks during a confirmation hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday. CNN

Petraeus Says He'll Leave Army Behind As CIA Chief -- NPR/AP

Gen. David Petraeus said if confirmed as CIA director, he would drive up to the agency's Langley, Va., headquarters alone, leaving behind his 37-year Army career and his military staff, as he shifts to leading the "silent service."

Petraeus, testifying on Capitol Hill in his medal-laden uniform, assured senators Thursday that he will not impose a military hierarchy at the CIA and will encourage a culture of constructive give and take. His comments were aimed at those who feared a replay of what happened under previous directors, both military and civilian, who brought their own staffs and spurned the agency's culture.

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More News On The U.S. Senate Confirmation Of David Petraeus To The CIA's Director's Post

Senate committee praises Petraeus at CIA hearing -- UPI
Petraeus warmly received at CIA confirmation hearing -- Global Post
David Petraeus says he won't bring his own brain trust to CIA -- L.A. Times
Petraeus calls CIA a ‘bargain’ at confirmation hearing -- Washington Post
Petraeus tells senators he wanted CIA job -- CNN
At confirmation hearing for CIA post, Petraeus peppered with Afghan drawdown questions -- Washington Post
Petraeus Backs 'More Than the Normal' Interrogations -- Newser
Petraeus ponders how far interrogators should go -- AP
Petraeus (Kinda, Sorta) Re-Opens The Torture Debate -- Danger Room
As Gen. David Petraeus shifts to CIA, nature of war shifts with him -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian science Monitor
Will Petraeus Rein In the Drone War? -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room

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