Wednesday, June 8, 2011

U.K. Ministry Of Defense Faces Cyber-Attacks Everyday

MoD Faces Daily Cyber-Attacks, Liam Fox Says -- The Telegraph

The Ministry of Defence is facing “cyberwar” attacks on a daily basis, Liam Fox, the Defence Secretary, has revealed.

Warning that Britain is now in continuous combat with an “invisible enemy” in cyberspace, the Defence Secretary said that the MoD last year detected and blocked more than 1,000 “potentially serious” attempts to infiltrate or disrupt its computer systems.

Speaking to the London Chambers of Commerce defence industry dinner, Dr Fox said electronic attacks on Britain doubled from 2009 to 2010. “There is a continuous battle being waged against us, day in, day out,” he said.

My Comment: In the past when Britannia ruled the waves, such fragrant attacks would be identified and met with the full might of the British Navy and Army. In today's Britain .... they just complain .... thereby emboldening hackers and (probably) state players to attack even more.

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