Wednesday, June 8, 2011

British Taxpayer Money Used To Fund Radical Islamic Groups

The Prevent scheme was set up by Labour in the wake of 7/7 to try and stop extremism - but actually enable racical groups to receive money from the government

Islamist Hatemongers Funded By The Taxpayer With Money Earmarked For Schools -- The Daily Mail

Hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money earmarked to counter terrorism was instead handed to extremist groups, it emerged last night.

Radical Islamists were bankrolled with money which should have been used to combat their anti-Western ideology, a Government report concluded.

The money was spent as part of the Prevent programme which was funded with hundreds of millions of pounds to try to stop young Muslims from becoming radicalized.

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My Comment:
2,000 madrassas with over 100,000 students being taught to hate those who do not follow the dictates of Islam. What was/is the British government thinking?

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