Wednesday, June 22, 2011

World News Briefs -- June 22, 2011

Afghan Pullout Marks End Of "Surge" Troops' Tour -- CBS News

One hundred thousand U.S. servicemen and women are based in Afghanistan. Up to 10,000 of them will be removed between now and the middle of next year, CBS News correspondent Bill Plante reported on CBS' "The Early Show."

President Obama is expected to address the nation Wednesday night and announce his plans to start pulling U.S. troops out of Afghanistan during the next 12 months. Mr. Obama is also weighing a timeline for bringing home the remaining 20,000 of the 30,000 "surge" troops he ordered to Afghanistan as part of his December 2009 decision to send reinforcements to reverse the Taliban's battlefield momentum.

Several news outlets have reported that the majority of the "surge" troops would be withdrawn by the end of 2012.

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Northern Syria deserted thanks to scorched earth campaign.

Senior Israeli source: Iran actively helping Syria squash demonstrations.

Yemen: 100 troops killed in battle for Zinjibar.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ally forced to resign as pressure grows on Iran president.

U.S. team: "Advanced U.S.-made missile" used in attack on Yemen palace.

Bahrain military court jails activists for life.


China urges U.S. to stay out of sea dispute.

Taliban behind most Afghan civilian casualties.

Five million Pakistanis at risk from floods, says U.N..

80pc people suffer from mental illness in Waziristan, Pakistan.


Italy breaks rank over NATO's Libya mission. Libya: Italy calls for immediate halt to hostilities. Libya conflict: Italy urges suspension of hostilities. Arab League chief admits second thoughts about Libya air strikes. UK can maintain Libya operations for 'as long as it takes', says Cameron. Analysis: NATO counts on Tripoli uprising to break deadlock.

Analysis - North Sudan flexes military might before split. Sudan: Kordofan conflict catches thousands, says AU.

Sudan to block oil pipeline if south will not pay.

Analysis-home-grown frustration behind Nigeria bombing.


Pressure stays on Greeks to avoid default. Greece prepares to slash budget after confidence vote.

Sectarian violence erupts for second night in Northern Ireland.

Russia blasts U.S. Navy maneuvers near Georgia.

Europe braced for MEPs' expenses storm.


'La Familia cartel boss' Mendez Vargas held in Mexico.

Wildfires burn 1.4 million acres across 12 states.

Venezuelans puzzle over their leader's health.

Argentine leader Cristina Fernandez's re-election bid.

Argentina warns Britain over Falklands nationality switch.


U.S. official in Sanaa, al-Qaeda militants escape prison.

"Dirty Bomb" lessons seen in Japanese nuclear crisis.

Al-Qaida’s business savvy sows uncertain future.


Apple plans faster iPhone for September: report.

Airbus set to unveil record plane order.

PIMCO's El-Erian predicts Greece, others will default.

Why the Jobs Situation Is Worse Than It Looks: We now have more idle men and women than at any time since the Great Depression (Commentary).

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