Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Civil War In Libya -- News Updates July 5, 2011

Moammar Gadhafi’s Forces Step Up Fighting Against Libyan Rebels In Western Strongholds -- Washington Post

CAIRO — Libyan rebels say Moammar Gadhafi’s forces are stepping up pressure near Misrata and a key western mountain range in a bid to block rebel fighters from advancing toward the capital.

Activists say at least 11 people have been killed in the fighting that began late Monday and continued through Tuesday.

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More News On Libya's Civil War

Gaddafi 'willing to give up power if his son can run in elections'
-- Daily Mail
Peace talks with rebels show progress, Libyan official insists -- Boston.com/AP
Rebels Deny Negotiating With Libyan Government -- NPR (Audio)
Russian paper: Gaddafi willing to step down -- Global Post
Qaddafi Seeks Security Guarantees to Relinquish Rule, Russian Envoy Says -- Bloomberg
Libya Denies Russia Report Gaddafi Seeking Way Out -- New York Times/Reuters
Moammar Gadhafi's forces step up fighting against Libyan rebels in western strongholds -- Winnipeg Free Press/Canadian Press
Gadhafi's son says western nations a 'target' -- AP
France adds new wrinkle to Libya conflict -- UPI
France to stop arming Libyan rebels -- New York Post
NATO feels the pressure from Libya campaign -- L.A. Times
NATO feeling pressure in Libya -- UPI
In Libya, Regional Divide Mirrors Disparities -- NPR
Libyan Rebels Keeping Track of Who's Helping Now -- Voice of America
Is the endgame near in Libya? -- The Week
Can Gadhafi Outlast NATO? -- Kevin Spak, Newser

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