Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Famine To Be Declared In Horn Of Africa

Famine To Be Declared In Horn Of Africa Unless More Food Is Sent To Area -- The Telegraph

Aid agencies have warned that famine will be declared in the Horn of Africa unless more food and aid is pumped into the area.

A combination of failed rains and soaring global food prices has left more than 12 million people living in remote areas across Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia facing hunger, according to aid agencies. Oxfam has launched its largest ever appeal to try and stop famine.

Save the Children say that more than a quarter of children in the worst-hit parts of Kenya are now dangerously malnourished.

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More News On Fears Of Famine In The Horn of Africa

Africa Drought Endangers Millions -- New York Times
UN: Famine breaks out as drought hits 10 million in Horn of Africa -- MSNBC
12 million facing starvation in Africa, say charities -- Independent
Millions endure drought in Somalia -- Al Jazeera
Horn of Africa tested by severe drought -- BBC
Horn of Africa hit by worst drought in 60 years -- BBC Video
Violence, drought sparked human tragedy in Somalia, says UN -- Daily Nation
800 Somali kids arrive in Kenyan camps daily -- MSNBC
UN: One-Quarter of Somali Population Now Displaced -- Voice of America
Baroness Amos calls for donors to 'dig deep' for drought in Africa -- The Guardian
Dadaab, the world's largest refugee camp -- MSNBC Photoblog

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