Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is Climate Change Treatening World Peace?

Climate Change 'Threatens Peace', UN Official Warns -- BBC

Climate change poses a major threat to future peace and security, a senior UN official has warned.

Achim Steiner from the UN Environment Programme said climate change would also "exponentially" increase the scale of natural disasters.

His comments followed a UN declaration of famine in parts of Somalia.

Meanwhile, Russia rejected a Security Council statement backed by Western nations which asserted the link, but later agreed to a weaker text.

The Russian envoy Alexander Pankin said he was sceptical about the implications of putting climate change on the security council's agenda.

Security Council members finally agreed to a text which spoke of the "possible security implications" of climate change.

Read more ....

My Comment: First it was global warming .... now it is called "climate change" .... tomorrow .... who knows. My main beef is that this focus on climate change ignores the real issue on what causes much of the world's insecurity and conflicts .... nationalism/political/social/religious/tribal intolerance and hostility. Will the UN focus on this .... LOL .... dream on.

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