Thursday, July 21, 2011

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 21, 2011

Pakistan-India Arms Race Destabilizing Strategic Balance, Experts Say -- Global Security Newswire

WASHINGTON--Indian and Pakistani strategies for ramping up their armed might could increase the likelihood of a disastrous outcome in the event of another war between the longtime antagonists, experts said this week (see GSN, July 19).

The neighboring rivals have fought three wars since 1947. The introduction in the last two decades of nuclear weapons into the Pakistani-India military balance is seen to have provided a check on further armed hostilities, restricting them from escalating into full-scale war.

Read more ....


Anonymous Hackers Hit NATO: One Gigabyte of Military Data Lost -- IBTimes

Rare Court Martial for Canadian General

British expert to examine troubled subs -- Sydney Morning Herald

Russia seeks to sell stealth jets to Korea -- Korea Times

US training plans gain traction in Iraq: Zebari -- Space War

Insitu’s ScanEagle UAS Logs 500,000 Combat Flight Hours -- Defpro

Could the Navy opt for a mini-boomer?
-- DoD Buzz

SEAL Minisub: Reloaded
-- Defense Tech

Experts: NATO Should Limit Role of Nukes, Remove U.S. Warheads -- Global Security Newswire

Air Force Challenge -- Design a Stealth Jeep
-- Ares/Aviation Week

Top general says Defense Department IT in 'Stone Age' -- Computer World

Breakthroughs Promise Cheaper Titanium -- Defense News

Trial date set in Ft. Hood rampage -- L.A. Times

War Deployments Linked to Lung Ailment --

Uniform Purses: Appropriate or Disrespectful?
-- Spouse Buzz

Inevitability and Overconfidence in the Launching of War -- Paul Pillar, National Interest

Pentagon braces for much deeper military spending cuts as part of debt deal -- Washington Post

Gang Of Six Will Cut Deep Into Defense - Updated -- Information Dissemination

Budget Storm Could Sink U.S. Plan to Rule Sea and Sky -- Danger Room

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