Thursday, July 21, 2011

World News Briefs -- July 21, 2011

Before Summit On European Debt Crisis, France And Germany Find Common Ground -- Washington Post

ROME — Top European leaders convened crisis talks in Brussels Thursday to try to put together a more durable financing plan for Greece and boost confidence about the stability and economic fortunes of the 17 nations that share the euro as a currency.

Agreement is considered critical to the direction of Europe’s economy and to the global recovery as well. The poor state of public finances in several European countries have been cited as a chief risk to the world financial system, and doubts about the ability of these countries to repay hundreds of billions of dollars in bonds have upset world markets for months.

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Loyalist troops besiege Damascus suburb after protests. Syrian activists report intense gunfire in Homs.

Jordan police probe blames protesters for violence.

Iraq Shi'ite militia splinters into hit squads, gangs.

As U.S. steps back, Europe takes bigger role in Mideast peace push.


China says Xinjiang attack killed 18; Uighurs dispute account.

South China Sea dispute continues to dominate ASEAN forum.

Documents outline alleged funneling of Pakistani funds to U.S. candidates.

Japan plans additional $165 billion for reconstruction.


Deadly clashes continue in Libyan city of Brega. The headless corpse, the mass grave and worrying questions about Libya's rebel army.

UN declares famine in parts of Somalia. Kenya wants aid airdropped inside Somalia to halt flow of thousands of famine refugees.

Egypt rulers outline plan for elections.

Malawi president calls for clam amid continued riots.

Morocco's democratic changes fail to appease all.

Kenya's latest crisis: The refugee camp around the refugee camp.


Greek rescue plan may allow for default on some debt. Euro zone proposes fund overhaul. Merkel and Sarkozy thrash out last-minute compromise over Greece. Eurozone set for Greek deal, temporary default.

Serbia's arrest of last war-crimes fugitive brings Europe into view.

Police detain dozens of protesters in Belarus.

Italian government refuses to account for missing arms cache.


U.S. consumers relying on credit for basic necessities.

Atlantis has landed, ending NASA's shuttle era.

House moves to restrict U.S. foreign aid.

U.S.-Cuba ties in balance over jailed American's appeal.


France's counter-terrorism ace finds himself under scrutiny.

Latest issue of Inspire highlights al Qaeda succession.

Two Al-Qaeda leaders killed in Yemen.

New terror report warns of insider threat to utilities.


Real estate site Zillow soars in IPO debut.

Entire Apple stores being faked in China.

Global slowdown signs strengthen, debt crisis weighs.

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