Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chinese State TV Reveals Their Cyberwar Capabilities

A presenter introduces a TV report appearing to contradict assertions China doesn't engage in cyberattacks. CCTV footage on China Network Television

Chinese State TV Alludes to U.S. Website Attacks -- Wall Street Journal

BEIJING — Chinese state television has broadcast footage of what two experts on the Chinese military say appears to be a military institute demonstrating software designed to attack websites in the U.S.

Although it could be a decade old or a mock-up, the 10-second segment—part of a longer report on cybersecurity—appears to be a rare example of an official source contradicting China'a repeated assertions that it doesn't engage in cyberattacks, according to Andrew Erickson and Gabe Collins of the China SignPost analytical service, which specializes in military matters.

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More News On China's Cyberwar Capabilities

China broadcasts footage of cyber attack on state television -- The Telegraph
Chinese TV programme shows apparent cyber-attack on US website -- The Guardian
Chinese state TV shows military cyber hacking clip -- Reuters
Slip-Up in Chinese Military TV Show Reveals More Than Intended -- Epoch Times
China Brazenly Brags About Internet Attacks on U.S. in Leaked Video -- Daily Tech
China Hacking Video Shows Glimpse of Falun Gong Attack Tool -- PC World
Pentagon's China Assessment Contains Few Cyber Surprises -- NextGov
Chinese Military Documentary Reveals Alleged Attack Software -- Information Week
Chinese documentary shows military university attacking U.S. targets -- ZDNet
Did China Tip Cyber War Hand? -- The Diplomat

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