Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 2, 2011

Why Arab Leaders Are Largely Silent On Syria's Brutal Crackdown -- Nicholas Blanford, Christian Science Monitor

Arab leaders put aside the creed of Arab unity to speak out against Libya's Qaddafi. But they are far more wary of Syria, whose Assad regime is a much more influential player.

The Syrian regime's crackdown on the rebellious city of Hama has triggered an international outcry, with ambassadors recalled from Damascus and the United Nations Security Council convening to discuss the worsening violence.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

The Last Stand of Bashar al-Assad? -- Blake Hounshell & Josh Rogin, Foreign Policy

Syria’s Ramadan massacre -- Washington Post editorial

Why Damascus, Aleppo are silent for now -- Sami Moubayed, Gulf News

Preventing Civil War in Syria -- Elliott Abrams, Real Clear World

This Libyan mess will be the end of Britain as a world power -- Daniel Knowles, The Telegraph

Is Iran Really After a Nuclear Bomb? -- Patrick Disney, The Atlantic

Beware the guns of August -- Gideon Rachman, Financial Times

Congressional Testimony July 27, 2011 on Afghanistan -- Bing West

India and Pakistan, Talking -- New York Times editorial

Doing in defense -- Center for Security Policy

Meet Washington's Foreign-Policy Fools
-- Doug Bandow, National Interest

Doing in defense: Cuts that result in a hollow force invite mischief from our enemies -- Frank J. Gaffney Jr., Washington Times

To Hell with You People -- Jonah Goldberg, NRO

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