Thursday, August 4, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 4, 2011

Special Commentary From Inside Western Libya-- The Nalut Offensive: A View From The Battlefield -- Jamestown Foundation

Executive Summary:

In response to weeks-long GRAD artillery fire aimed at their key supply hub of Nalut, Libya’s western rebels finally launched a large scale, logistically sophisticated offensive against the Qaddafist-held towns of Ghazaya and Takut in recent days. In the weeks leading up to the offensive, rebels and civilians alike in the town of Nalut, located in Libya’s Jebel Nafusa mountain range, endured constant and highly irregular GRAD barrages, resulting in tens of thousands of Nalutis seeking refuge across the border in Tunisia. On the morning of July 28, hours before the rebel assault got underway, NATO forces followed through on the promise to conduct air strikes against Ghazaya and Takut, as rebel leaders refused to send their troops in to battle without NATO’s prior ‘softening up’ of the towns with heavy bombardment.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Egypt: 7,000 Years of Oppression -- Michael Totten, Pajamas Media

Cue the curtain on Pakistani minorities -- Bushras, DAWN

Iran’s Untenable Economy -- Dina Esfandiary, The Diplomat

Darfur ... and now more genocide in Sudan?
-- Eric Reeves, Christian Science Monitor

Diplomatic Maneuvering. Palestinians Plan Application for UN Membership -- Juliane von Mittelstaedt and Christoph Schult, Spiegel Online

How China hurts its own economy -- Bill Powell, CNN

Whatever George Osborne believes, Britain will spend years in the doldrums -- Jeremy Warner, The Telegraph

Obama and the Looming Financial Crisis -- Steve McCann, American Thinker

Get Ready for August Protests
-- John D. McKinnon, Wall Street Journal

The Elite Is Revolting
-- James Taranto, Wall Street Journal

Creeping paralysis in the U.S.
-- Times of India editorial

Who Will Be the Double-Dip Scapegoat? -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary

World to US: ‘You’re No. 2’ – but can China be No. 1? -- John Hughes, Christian Science Monitor

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