Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pentagon's Annual Report On the Chinese Military To Be Released Later This Week

Pentagon Dots the I’s on Annual China Report -- Wall Street Journal

It’s an annual ritual in Washington: Each year, the Pentagon sends a report to Congress on China’s military power, providing fodder for commentators, China-watchers and reporters.

And this year’s report, which follows the unveiling of China’s stealth jet and greater military assertiveness by Beijing, promises to be a particularly interesting read.

Pentagon spokesman Col. David Lapan told reporters Tuesday that the report would be delivered later this week — several months after the March 1 deadline.

“It’s very complicated undertaking, every year there has been a delay,” Col. Lapan said. “We always keep Congress apprised of its status.”

Read more

Update: Pentagon’s Overdue China Report Said to Be Likely This Week -- Bloomberg

My Comment: The important question .... why the delay? .... is not answered. Last year's report is here.

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