Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tensions On The Kosovo - Serbia Border Continues

NATO Moves To Calm Kosovar-Serb Border Tensions -- Christian Science Monitor

NATO is sending hundreds of reinforcements to bolster its peacekeeping forces after border violence has flared between Kosovo and Serbia.

NATO is sending several hundred German and Austrian troops to Kosovo to buttress peacekeeping forces there after border violence left a Kosovar policeman dead and inflamed tensions with Serbia.

Fighting erupted after Kosovar special police units in armored cars – operating at night late last month – swept into two border control stations to assert a ban on Serb products. Now, European Union officials are calling for calm and NATO has reinforced its peacekeepers.

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More News On NATO Trying To Calm Border Violence Between Serbia And Kosovo

U.N. urged to step into Kosovo unrest
-- UPI
Northern Kosovo: no resolution in sight -- SETimes
NATO demands extra soldiers for Kosovo -- AHNews
Nato sends more troops to Kosovo after border unrest -- BBC
NATO activates reserve force for Kosovo amid tension with Serbia -- Stars and Stripes
Kosovo's president favors dialogue -- UPI
Kosovo PM Stands By Trade Ban -- Eurasia Review
Kosovo Serbs facing food, medicine shortages: report -- AFP
Serbia warns of humanitarian woes in Kosovo -- IOL News
Interview: Kosovo's President Defends Decision To Control Northern Border -- Radio Free Europe
Kosovo Govt Adviser: Tension with Serbia Could Lead to War -- Novinite

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