Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who Are Libya's New International Friends (And Enemies)

Libya’s Rebels Unhappy with Russia and China -- Michael J. Totten, Commentary

No one is an expert on Libya’s rebels, and we haven’t a clue who the next leader of the country will be or how he will be chosen. (Libya is very much a man’s world so the next leader absolutely will be a he.) Even so, small indications about what to expect from the future government do bubble up once in a while.

The Chinese are trying to ingratiate themselves with Libya’s future leaders after opposing the assistance given them by the West, and they’re meeting resistance. “We don’t have a problem with western countries like the Italians, French and UK companies,” says a rebel official in charge of the Agoco oil firm. “But we may have some political issues with Russia, China and Brazil.”

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My Comment: You can also throw into this mix countries like Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and a whole host of African nations. They were Kadafi's most loyal supporters, and it will take a long time before this is forgotten by the new government in Libya. Russia's RT is (of course) voicing another opinion.

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