Thursday, August 4, 2011

Will The U.S. Seize Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal In The Event Of A Crisis?

US Prepares For Worst-Case Scenario With Pakistan Nukes -- MSNBC

As U.S.-Pakistani relations spiral downward, the specter of a showdown between the increasingly antagonistic allies is garnering more attention, including the worst-case scenario of the U.S. attempting to “snatch” Pakistan’s 100-plus nuclear weapons if it feared they were about to fall into the wrong hands.

That would be a disastrous miscalculation, former Pakistani President and army chief Pervez Musharraf told NBC News, saying that such an incursion would lead to “total confrontation” between the United States and Pakistan.

Read more

Update: U.S. Prepared to "Snatch" Pakistani Nukes, Report Claims -- Global Security Newswire

My Comment: I have trouble seeing the U.S. being successful in such an operation .... they simply do not have the assets to hit the many multiple targets in Pakistan that are in possession these nuclear assets. What I do see is India getting involved in such a crisis situation .... an involvement that would probably result in a nuclear war.

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