Sunday, September 4, 2011

9/11 Anniversary Security Sharpened

9/11 Anniversary Security Sharpened; Materials At Bin Laden Compound Worry Officials -- Washington Post

The 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is prompting heightened security measures across the United States, particularly in New York, where Presidents Obama and George W. Bush will mark the occasion at Ground Zero inside what police call a “frozen zone.”

Law enforcement officials said they have no intelligence about a credible terrorist plot around the anniversary. But a number of federal and local officials said they are acutely aware that before Osama bin Laden was killed, he seemed fixated on attacking the United States again on Sept. 11.

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My Comment: Travel alerts have already been issued .... but it is the lone wolf scenario that concerns security officials.

1 comment:

Kappes said...

9/11 was an inside Job wall to Wall, with Dick Cheney behind the wheel of utter corruption within the most infamous White House Murder INC, and Barbarism galore....