Sunday, September 4, 2011

CIA And MI6 Helped Gaddafi

Secret Libyan Files Claim MI6 And The CIA Aided Human Rights Violations -- The Guardian

Intelligence helped Gaddafi regime track and apprehend dissidents, according to files seized from Tripoli offices.

British and US intelligence agencies built up close links with Muammar Gaddafi and handed over detailed information to assist his regime, according to secret files found in Libyan government offices.

The documents claim that MI6 supplied its counterparts in Libya with details on exiled opponents living in the UK, and chart how the CIA abducted several suspected militants before handing them over to Tripoli.

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More News On MI6 And The CIA Aiding Gaddafi

CIA, MI6 'helped' Gadafy -- Irish Times
Files show MI6, CIA ties to Libya: reports -- Sydney Morning Herald
Libya: secret dossier reveals Gaddafi's UK spy links -- The Telegraph
Libya: Gaddafi regime's US-UK spy links revealed -- BBC
Documents shed light on CIA, Gadhafi spy ties -- CNN
Gaddafi Had Close Ties With US-UK Intelligence Agencies: HRW -- IBTimes
Documents: CIA, MI6 worked with Libya -- UPI
CIA, MI6 helped Gaddafi on dissidents: rights group -- Reuters
Documents reveal Western spy agencies' ties to Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi -- The Australian/AP
Libyan intel docs show ties to CIA renditions -- CBS
Files Note Close C.I.A. Ties to Qaddafi Spy Unit -- New York Times
Tripoli Files Show CIA Working With Libya -- Wall Street Journal
MI6 and British Government worked closely with Gaddafi's regime (and even helped him write his speeches) -- Daily Mail
Eighty-Nine Questions: What Did Libya Do for the C.I.A.? -- Amy Davidson, New Yorker

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