Monday, September 26, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- September 26, 2011

Pakistan Spat Highlights Bitter Truths Facing The U.S. In Afghanistan -- Robert Baer, Time

What does Pakistan really want in Afghanistan? That question has become all the more urgent since Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, accused Pakistan of being indirectly responsible for last week's attack on our embassy in Kabul. Reports of a second possible attack, on Sunday, on the building alleged to house the local CIA station will, no doubt, fuel further speculation. Assessing Pakistan's interests in Afghanistan through the prism of honesty and realpolitik rather than wishful thinking may be the only way we're going to get out of this messy war.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Pakistan Is the Enemy: We know that Pakistan's intelligence service is aiding terrorists. What are we going to do about it? -- Christopher Hitchens, Slate

Pakistan's real terrorism problem -- Ahsan Butt, Foreign Policy

Blind to the mullahs’ missile menace
-- Peter Brookes, New York Post

Arab Spring Countries Pay the Price for the World’s Palestinian Obsession -- Evelyn Gordon, Commentary

Has the military coopted Egypt's revolution? -- Jon Jensen, GlobalPost/Salon

The real threat in Egypt: Delayed democracy -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post

Leader for Life? How Vladimir Putin Set Up His Kremlin Comeback -- Simon Shuster, Time

Is China's Economy Contracting? -- Gordon G. Chang, Forbes

Forget saving the Greeks: The euro is doomed to fail -- Leo McKinstry,

Greece: It’s the corruption, stupid! -- Jeff Randall, The Telegraph

How Europe's debt crisis threatens U.S. economy
-- USA Today editorial

Repeating mistakes of the 1930s
-- Robert Samuelson, Washington Post

Government by crime syndicate
-- Sarah Chayes, L.A. Times

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