Sunday, September 25, 2011

Iran's Troubled Nuclear Program

Photo: Interior view of Bushehr nuclear power plant, 1,200 km south of Tehran. (Photo: Reuters)

Iran's Nuclear Setbacks: More Than Just Bad Luck? -- Stars And Stripes/AP

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Iran's star-crossed nuclear and energy programs have suffered a rash of setbacks, mishaps and catastrophes in the past two years.

Assassins killed three scientists with links to Iran's nuclear programs. The Stuxnet computer worm that infected computers worldwide zeroed in on a single target in Iran, devices that can make weapons-usable uranium.

Dozens of unexplained explosions hit the country's gas pipelines. Iran's first nuclear power plant suffered major equipment failures as technicians struggle to bring it online.

Has Iran just been unlucky? Probably not.

Read more

: Russia 'believes US, Israel behind Iran worm attack' -- AFP

My Comment:
The Iranian nuclear program has been ongoing for decades, and it has cost billions of dollars .... and very little to show for it. Deaths of nuclear scientists and computer viruses has not help the situation .... but Iran's nuclear program probably has more deeper problems than what we are aware of.

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