Sunday, September 25, 2011

US Senator: No More Defense Cuts

Republican Senator Says No More Military Cuts -- CNN

(CNN) -- If Congress can't come up with a deficit reduction deal this year, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday that he'll try to prevent further required cuts in the military budget.

The comment showed that contingency plans already are in place to avoid some of the more than $1 trillion in mandated spending cuts under a "trigger" mechanism intended to motivate Congress to reach a deficit deal.

A special joint committee set up under last months debt ceiling agreement has until November 23 to work out such an agreement, which must then pass Congress by December 23. Otherwise, the required cuts of the trigger mechanism kick in.

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My Comment: With trillion dollar deficits .... cuts will be occuring everywhere .... defense included. Besides .... Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham has to blunt Tea Party opponents to his past policies when the primary season starts next year .... the defense budget is a good place to start.

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