Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Israel's Old Alliances Are Crumbling

Israel Watches Its Old Alliances Crumble -- The Telegraph

The overthrow of President Mubarak in Egypt, the estrangement of Turkey and a UN vote on Palestinian statehood combine to make an intractable set of problems.

Secluded in an emergency operations bunker, long after darkness had fallen to mark the start of the Sabbath last Friday, Israel’s most powerful men had become convinced that history was about to repeat itself.

Hundreds of miles away, six intelligence officers, detailed to protect Israel’s embassy in Cairo, had barricaded themselves in the building’s strongroom. A mob of hammer-wielding Egyptians were closing in. The rioters had already broken down two of the strongroom’s doors and were now hammering on the third. Three of the Israelis drew their guns, preparing for a last stand.

Read more

Update #1:
U.S. Scrambles to Ease Tension as Israel's Ties With Allies Erode -- FOX News
Update #2: Israel Fears Complete Isolation -- Spiegel Online

My Comment
: Israel has always been isolated .... and what temporary alliances it had was with leaders whose own positions (we now know through hindsight) were precarious at best.

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