Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Investigating War Atrocities In Sri Lanka`s Civil War

IDP settlement near Putumattalan Hospital in second No Fire Zone, March 2009. UN News Centre

Rights Groups Urge UN Council To Probe Sri Lanka -- Voice of America

International human rights groups are urging the United Nations Human Rights Council to order a probe into alleged abuses committed during Sri Lanka's civil war.

Both London-based Amnesty International and New York-based Human Rights Watch on Tuesday called on the council to act on the recommendations of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

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More News On The UN Investigating War Crimes In Sri Lanka`s Civil War

Ban forwards report on Sri Lanka war crimes to top UN human rights body -- UN News Centre
U.N. rights panel gets Sri Lanka "war crimes" report -- Reuters
Campaigners urge UN rights council to probe Sri Lanka -- AFP
Rights council gets report on Sri Lanka deaths -- AP
UN move on war crimes report angers Sri Lanka -- BBC
Sri Lanka under growing pressure on war atrocities -- Reuters
Sri Lanka called to mat on war crimes -- UPI

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