Wednesday, October 26, 2011

FBI: Gang Members Joining The U.S. Military

Hell's Angels graffiti written on the back of a military vehicle in Iraq. FBI

FBI Says Gangs Infiltrating The US Military --

The U.S. military is facing a "significant criminal threat" from gangs, including prison and biker gangs, whose members have found their way into the ranks, according to an FBI-led investigation.

Some gang members get into the military to escape the streets, but then end up reconnecting once in, while others target the services specifically for the combat and weapons training, the National Gang Intelligence Center says in a just-released 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment/Emerging Trends.

Whatever the reasons, it's a bad mix.

Read more ....

Update: FBI reports gang 'infiltration' of U.S. military -- Washington Examiner

My Comment: The U.S. military is a big organization .... I am sure there are some bad apples in it. But is gang infiltration that big .... hmmm .... I am skeptical. The FBI report is here.

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