Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More Evidence Of Pakistan's Double Game

Afghanistan: Pakistan Accused Of Backing Taliban -- BBC

Pakistan has been accused of playing a double game, acting as America's ally in public while secretly training and arming its enemy in Afghanistan according to US intelligence.

In a prison cell on the outskirts of Kabul, the Afghan Intelligence Service is holding a young man who alleges he was recruited earlier this year by Pakistan's powerful military intelligence agency, the ISI.

He says he was trained to be a suicide bomber in the Taliban's intensifying military campaign against the Western coalition forces - and preparations for his mission were overseen by an ISI officer in a camp in Pakistan.

After 15 days training, he was sent into Afghanistan.

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My Comment: With the exception of a small minority in Pakistan .... no one no longer believes in Pakistan's denials that they are not involved in training Taliban fighters to fight in Afghanistan.

1 comment:

Asif said...

America play double game check reality visit