Sunday, October 16, 2011

Why The Congressional Super Committee Will Noy Cut The U.S. Defense Budget

Five Reasons The Congressional Super Committee Won't Matter To Defense -- Aol Defense

If you are in the defense business, then you're probably getting tired of speculation about how the so-called congressional "super-committee" is going to decide the fate of America's military posture. That bipartisan panel of 12 lawmakers was established by the Budget Control Act to recommend $1.5 trillion in savings by November 23, and if it doesn't succeed -- or Congress fails to enact what it recommends -- then automatic cuts will be imposed on domestic and defense programs.

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My Comment:
I like reasons #3 and #5.

1 comment:

Philip said...

#4 has an interesting sentence in it:

"Right now, the Obama Administration is pursuing contradictory goals by seeking to borrow another $447 billion for a jobs program at the same time it is proposing to wipe out a huge number of jobs associated with national defense. "