Thursday, November 3, 2011

Another U.S. Drone Strike In Pakistan

US Predator Strike Kills Three Haqqani Network fighters In North Waziristan -- Long War Journal

US Predators killed three Haqqani Network fighters in North Waziristan who were loyal to a top leader killed in a similar strike two weeks ago.

The unmanned CIA-operated Predators, or the more deadly Reapers, fired a pair of missiles at a compound in the village of Darpakhel Sarai in the Miramshah area of North Waziristan, according to AFP.

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More News On US Drone Strike In Pakistan

US drones kill three Haqqani militants in Pakistan -- AFP
3 killed in suspected U.S. drone attack in Pakistan -- CNN
Suspected US drone-fired missiles kill 2 Haqqani militants in Pakistan, officials say -- Washington Post/AP

My Comment: As these drone strikes continue, the anger is building.

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