Thursday, November 3, 2011

Are U.S. And British Military Planners Drawing Up A Joint Plan To Attack Iran?

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UK And U.S. 'Draw Up Joint Plan To Attack Iran': Evidence Of Nuclear Programme Raises Tension In Middle East -- Daily Mail

* Whitehall figures say Iran is 'newly aggressive - and we are not sure why'
* Iran 'has enough enriched uranium for four nuclear weapons'
* Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushing for invasion
* Tel Aviv test-fires rockets capable of carrying nuclear warheads into Iran
* Report reveals China continues to supply Tehran with missiles and other conventional weapons
* Obama says nuclear programme remains a threat and calls on Iran to reveal its intentions

The UK and U.S. are drawing up plans to attack Iran amid growing tensions in the Middle East, it was claimed last night.

Barack Obama and David Cameron are preparing for war after reports that Iran now has enough enriched uranium for four nuclear weapons.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s hardline regime in Tehran has been linked to three assassination plots on foreign soil, according to senior officials in Whitehall.

Read more ....

My Comment: Iran responds by saying .... essentially .... bring it on.

What is my take .... it is not going to happen .... that in the end the U.S., Britain, Israel, etc.... everyone is going to step back from the precipice.

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