Thursday, December 1, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- December 1, 2011

Embassy Siege Sign of What’s Ahead? -- Meir Javedanfar, The Diplomat

The attack on the British Embassy in Iran was a troubling escalation. If the attack was ordered by the supreme leader’s son, it could be just the start.

The reaction to Tuesday’s storming of the British embassy in Tehran was swift. Within 24 hours, the British government had ordered the closure of Iran's embassy in London. Other EU countries joined in the condemnation, with countries including France, Germany and the Netherlands recalling their ambassadors, while Norway closed its embassy altogether.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

The Iran threat -- Max Boot, L.A. Times

The shadow war against Iran -- The Washington Times editorial

Let Iran feel the heat -- The Telegraph editorial

Iran delivers major blow to the CIA -- Mahan Abedin, Asia Times

A Leaner, Meaner Brotherhood
-- Michael J. Totten, American Interest

In Tunisia and elsewhere, Islamist parties face a test -- Washington Post editorial

The next challenge for the Middle East protesters -- David Ignatius, Washington Post

Perfidious Pakistani-American Games -- Leslie H. Gelb, Daily Beast

Pakistan: Going rogue -- Robert Grenier, Al Jazeera

We didn’t break Libya, and we don’t ‘own’ it -- Timothy Garton Ash, Globe And Mail

Germany remains oblivious to apocalyptic warnings -- Jeremy Warner, The Telegraph

Russia’s Revolution Won’t Be Televised -- Christopher Walker and Robert Orttung, Freedom at Issue

War on terror doesn’t justify retreat on rights -- Sen. Rand Paul, The Washington Times

A Tale of Two Surges -- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO

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