Monday, December 12, 2011

France Blames Syria And hezbollah For Attack On French UN Peace-Keepers In Lebanon

Five French members of the A military expert, part of the U.N. peacekeeping force in south Lebanon, takes pictures of a damaged U.N. vehicle as Lebanese soldiers secure the area on the outskirts of the city of Tyre. (Reuters)

France Points Finger At Syria For Lebanon Attack -- Yahoo News/Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) - France's Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said on Sunday Paris believed Syria was behind attacks on its troops in Lebanon earlier this week.

A roadside bomb wounded five French peacekeepers in southern Lebanon on Friday, in the third attack this year on United Nations forces deployed near the frontier with Israel.

"We have strong reason to believe these attacks came from there (Syria)," Juppe said on RFI radio. "We think it's most probable, but I don't have proof."

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More News On France Accusing Syria/Hezbollah For Friday's Attack

France suspects Syria is behind bombing against French troops in Lebanon -- Washington Post/AP
Hezbollah and Syria reject French accusations over attack on U.N. peacekeepers -- Al Arabiya News
French accusations put Syria's allies in spotlight -- Reuters
Syria denies involvement in Lebanon bombing -- CNN
Syria denies link to bombing of UN troops in Lebanon -- AFP
Syria says it wasn't behind UNIFIL attack -- UPI

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