Monday, December 12, 2011

Is Google Earth Exposing America's Secrets?

New satellite images posted on Google Maps reveal a secret air base in Yucca Lake, Nev., where drones (circled, either a Predator or a Reaper) and even the top secret RQ170 are reportedly tested.

Are These Satellite Images Exposing America's Secrets? -- FOX News

Google may be compromising national security – all in the name of better mapping technology.

At Google Maps, anyone can search for the names of military bases and zoom in to see airstrips and possibly even top-secret military drones like the RQ-170 Sentinel lost in Iran last week. Aviation website Flight Global has done just that, and claims to have found the secret airstrip at Yucca Lake, Nev., used for testing the RQ-170.

The Google Maps site shows satellite images of either a Predator or Reaper drone on the airstrip, although Flight Global says the RQ-170 was tested there as well -- information that’s surely of interest to the Iranian military, said Cedric Leighton, a retired Air Force colonel.

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More News On Google Exposing America's Secrets

Are these Google satellite images exposing America's secrets? Fears national security compromised after secret airstrip revealed -- Daily Mail
Google unEarths image of secret US drone base in Nevada -- RT
Are These Satellite Images Exposing America's Secrets? -- Discovery News
Google satellite images may have captured US military secrets --
Google Maps expose US secret military base -- Times of India
Google Satellite Images Reveal America’s Secret Military Base (PHOTOS) -- International Business Times

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