Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Shocking Look At A Pakistan Madrass That The Taliban Used In 'Recruiting' Children

Chained And In Tears: Children Found In Basement As Police Raid Islamic School Thought To Be A 'Taliban Training Centre' -- Daily Mail

* 45 captives tell of visiting Taliban militants who told them: 'Prepare for battle'
* One cleric and two others arrested, but school head flees during raid

Forty-five students, among them young children, were discovered held in chains in a basement when police raided an Islamic seminary in Pakistan last night.

The male students, some said to be as young as 12 but appearing even younger, were found in what amounted to a dungeon at the Madrassa Zakarya in the Sohrab Goth district of Karachi.

Led barefoot from their prison, captives told officers they had suffered regular beatings and been hung upside down as a form of punishment.

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More News On Today's Police Raid On A Pakistani Islamic Seminary

Pakistan: Karachi police free chained students -- BBC
Police raid in Pakistan finds chained students at religious school
-- CNN
Pakistani police rescue chained students from seminary -- Reuters
Pakistani police uncover chained patients at Islamic rehabilitation center -- Washington Post/AP
Pakistani police rescue 54 students chained up in madrasa basement -- The Guardian
Pakistani children rescued from madrassa -- Sydney Morning Herald/AFP
Police rescue 50 boys from Karachi madrassah dungeon -- The Telegraph
Pakistan seminary raid finds students held in abusive conditions -- L.A. Times
Pakistani police rescue 54 students chained by clerics in the basement of an Islamic seminary -- National Post

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