Monday, December 5, 2011

There Are No Good Options When It Comes To Iran

Never Before Has The World Been As Close To War With Iran -- Spiegel Online

The EU tightened sanctions against Iran Thursday, but stopped short of imposing an oil embargo against the country. Meanwhile, pressure in the US Congress mounts for stricter penalties on Iran. German commentators weigh the options against Iran Friday, concluding that none of them are promising.

Western pressure on Iran over its nuclear program continued Thursday, as the European Union moved to tighten some sanctions against the country, and laid the groundwork for a possible EU oil embargo.

The EU added 143 Iranian entities and 37 individuals to the list of those who assets would be frozen and who are banned from entering the 27-nation bloc. A decision on whether or not to ban oil imports from the country is expected before the end of January. In 2010, Iranian crude accounted for 5.28 percent of oil imports to the EU.

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My Comment:
These German commentators are right. Options are limited, and with Iranian politics being what it is .... any chance or hope of reconciliation is just a pipe-dream.

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