Monday, December 5, 2011

Meet The Iranian Hardliner Who Wants War With The West

Qassem Suleimani, an Islamic hardliner spoiling for a fight with the West

The Quds Force Man Who Inspired The British Embassy Outrage In Tehran -- The Telegraph

The young men who stormed Britain's embassy have a hero - the Islamic hardliner who may be the most dangerous man in Iran.

His is not a face familiar to many in the West. But members of the rampaging Iranian mob which last week laid siege to the British Embassy in Tehran knew exactly what they were doing when they held aloft a picture of a grey-haired man, with downturned mouth and his beard more neatly trimmed than those of his country's religious leaders.

Qassem Suleimani, a fanatical Islamic revolutionary, has rapidly become one of the world's top terrorist suspects, as well as a powerful and sinister force within Iran.

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My Comment: And what is even more scarier is that there are some who are even worse than him.

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