Monday, December 5, 2011

The Threat Of Chinese Cyber Warfare Is More Real Than Their 'Arsenal' Of Nuclear Warheads

Attack: Nevermind nuclear warheads, if China wanted to unstable the US, it would probably disable the ATM cash points and traffic lights in Chicago and Los Angeles

We Should Be More Worried About The Threat Of Chinese Cyber Warfare Than Their 'Arsenal' Of Nuclear Warheads -- Daily Mail

An ad hoc student group, working in the basement of a professor at Washington's Georgetown University, claims that the US has grievously underestimated the size of China's arsenal of nuclear warheads. Big deal.

Whereas most proliferation experts put the number of warheads in the 200 to 400 ballpark, including all sorts of nuclear weapons from hydrogen to neutron bombs, the team of students, under Professor Phillip Karber, claims that the true figure is around 3,000.

Read more

My Comment: There are many ways to destroy (or disrupt) a society. WNDs are the extreme, but (for example) crashing our financial networks will also bring great harm to us even though no one has died.

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