Monday, December 5, 2011

Guantánamo For US Citizens?

Senator and Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin and ranking Republican committee member Sen. John McCain. They support a National Defense Authorization bill which critics say could lead to indefinite military detention of US citizens. Newscom

Guantánamo For US Citizens? Senate Bill Raises Questions -- Christian Science Monitor

The National Defense Authorization Act passed by the Senate this week could allow the US military to detain American citizens indefinitely. Civil libertarians are alarmed, and President Obama says he might veto it.

Legislation passed by the Senate this week and headed for the House – and a possible presidential veto – could allow the US military to detain American citizens indefinitely.

The National Defense Authorization Act covering $662 billion in defense spending for the next fiscal year includes a provision requiring military custody of a terror suspect believed to be a member of Al Qaeda or its affiliates and involved in attacks on the United States.

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More News On The US Senate Passing The National Defense Authorization Act

White House accuses Senate of ‘political micromanagement,’ renews veto threat of defense bill -- Washington Post
Senate backs military custody for terror suspects -- Baltimore Sun/Reuters
Senators defy Obama's veto threat to approve $662bn bill requiring military to hold terror suspects caught on U.S. soil -- Daily Mail
Senate Passes Bill With Disputed Terror Policies -- Wall Street Journal
Indefinite Military Detention of U.S. Citizens Not Blocked By The Senate For The Second Time -- Huffington Post
Senate Wants the Military to Lock You Up Without Trial -- The Danger Room

My Comment: Where is the outrage. If President Bush had pushed such a piece of legislation .... there would be widespread demonstrations and continuous news coverage of this story. But what we have now is silence. As for President Obama, he will not veto the bill. He knows that he has no support within Congress on deleting these provisions, and he knows that his veto will be overturned.

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