Thursday, December 1, 2011

U.S. Defense Industry Prepares For Tough Times

U.S. Defense Industry Braces For Leaner Times -- Reuters

(Reuters) - U.S. weapons makers told investors this week that they are doing all they can to prepare for leaner U.S. defense budgets, including redoubling their efforts to cut costs, drum up export sales and sell more goods to commercial clients.

Industry executives and Pentagon officials say they are still sorting out the potential impact of an additional $600 billion in defense cuts over the next 10 years, on top of some $489 billion in cuts already being absorbed.

Even if those additional cuts can be averted, as Republicans hope, the industry is facing pressure on profit margins and a dearth of new programs, industry executives and analysts agreed.

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More News On The U.S. Defense Industry Preparing For Leaner Times

Tough Times Ahead For US Weapon Makers -- Economy Watch
U.S. Defense Industry Preparing For Leaner Times -- Huffington Post
Republicans find no easy ways to protect US military -- Reuters
US Navy not yet asked to plan more cuts-official -- Reuters
DOD to offer sneak peek at budget -- The Hill
Lockheed Martin girds for battle -- CNN Money
Pentagon Budget to Exclude Sequestration -- Aviation Week
Obama Gets Defense Plan to Cut $450 Billion From Future Budgets -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Panetta Warns Further Cuts Would Be 'Damaging' -- Defense News
Panetta ‘Doomsday’ Scenario May Exaggerate Cuts -- Bloomberg
Too Late to Find 'Sequestration' Cuts in FY13: DoD Official -- Defense News
DOD official: 2013 Pentagon budget won’t account for automatic cuts -- The Hill
Here Are Seven Markets That Are Ripe For A Military Takeover -- Business Insider
What will automatic budget cuts mean to vets? -- Stars and Stripes
Panetta's Dilemma: A Trillion Here, A Trillion There -- Mark Thompson, Time
$1 Trillion Pentagon Budget Cut Is Possible but Not Wise: View -- Bloomberg editorial
Defense on the chopping block -- Emily Miller, The Washington Times

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